Social Media Risks Forum: Building reputation through social media
South Place Hotel, London
17 November 2016
In a rapidly connected world social media creates risks that are not easily countered unless you understand them and plan in advance of trouble. Social media can create massive reputational damage unless you handle issues well, or stop them becoming issues in the first place. The only way to truly learn how to handle a potential reputational crisis is to experience one, and from planning to recovery, speakers will present honest case studies and tell you what worked – and what didn’t.
The 2015 forum focused on mitigation of risk. After this successful launch event last year, we have launched phase 2 of the Social Media Risks Forum, an event which will focus on Brand and Reputation through Social Media.
Our expert speakers will look at how businesses can defend themselves from targeted social media attacks and we will also discuss how your brand can be defined through social media. If you would like to learn more about the link between brand and reputation and find out if you are doing enough social listening then our forum on the 17th of November is one to add to your diary!
To see our online brochure please click here
Issues considered include:
- Reputation risk with social media
- Brand building through social media
- Social listening for better business